BAFI 2020 Business Analytics Finance & Industry

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Santiago, Chile - Jan. 6-8, 2020

The aim of the BAFI 2020 conference is to bring together researchers and developers from data science and related areas with practitioners and consultants applying the respective techniques in different business-related domains. Our goal is to stimulate an academic exchange of recent developments as well as to encourage the mutual influence between academics and practitioners.

At BAFI 2020, the focus will be on methodological developments aimed at uncovering information contained in large data sets, as well as on business applications in various sectors, among them finance, retail, and telecommunications.

During the week starting on January 6, 2020 we will also host the Second NeEDS Modeling Week where graduate students will apply analytics and related techniques to solve real-world problems.

Monday, January 6, 2020 - 7:30am to Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - 8:30pm