Recommendation Systems: From Scratch to Spark Implementation

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Monday, June 13, 2016 - 5:30 PM

Microsoft R&D Auditorium - Shenkar 13, Herzliya 

Target audience:

Data Scientists, Big Data developers and product managers, who are interested in recommendation systems 


In today’s digital world, where the number of choices a user face within one application can be overwhelming, and user engagement is a key success factor, recommendation systems help users find items of interest. This meetup will consist of two sessions. In the first session, we will provide a brief introduction to recommendation systems, basic algorithmic approaches and possible implementations. In the second session, we will show a step by step implementation of a simple recommendation system in Spark. 

What will you learn:

• Motivation 
• Problem definition 
• Main algorithmic approaches: 
o Collaborative Filtering 
o Content-based Methods 
o Hybrid Methods 
• Evaluation metrics 
• Implantation tools 
• Recommendation systems in Spark 

Shahar Cohen, 
Oren Razon,

Monday, June 13, 2016 - 5:30pm to 8:45pm