Python Data Analytics: Class Demo Day

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Monday, March 9, 2015
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

205 E. 42nd Street, 16th floor, New York, NY

NYC Data Science Academy Python Data Analytics Class 6th batch is graduating. They learned all the skills through 5 days of weekend and will apply them into real world problem.




Goal: draw insight from bug report

Data:  issue tracking system(JIRA) ,

Steps:  extract text, Bug with Keywords, Categorize errors, related to front end and back end, which part have more issues

Tools: Pandas, NLTK(for NLP), Matplotlib



Goal: analyze relationship between sport broadcast and next morning rates

Data: generalized view rate data

Steps: aggregate clean data, find competitiveness data, regression analysis

Tools: Pandas, ggplot, Seaborn, Numpy



Goal: load big amount of data

Data: maybe yelp data challenge or nyc open data

Steps: find your dataset, batch processing, error handling

Tools:  Numpy



Goal: make Spyre application(similar to shiny)

Data: NYC Open Data on commercial data

Steps: connect to API, download from API, Geo-code address, put in google map, dump data into sqlite

Tools: ggplot, ggmap, Numpy, Pandas



Goal:   find correlation to success of liquor store

Data: liquor data from nyc open data

Steps: find correlation and relationship to location, entrance of subway

Tools: Pandas, Numpy, ggplot, matplotlib



Goal: Portfolio optimization

Data: Bloomberg terminal data

Steps: implement blacklitterman model

Tools: Pandas, Numpy, ggplot



Goal: find keywords with events

Data: twitter API location data

Steps: string manipulation, twitter API

Tools: text mining, Pandas, Numpy

Monday, March 9, 2015 - 7:00pm to 9:45pm